Do you have mold? We can help get you compensated for your mold damage.
Call us now at 954-226-0003 or message us online.

Dealing with insurance companies is what we do. We aim to fight for your rights and ensure you are fairly compensated for your mold-related damages. We will advise you on whether seeking outside experts is necessary for your current situation. Fight for justice now with one of our expert public adjusters. We are your voice and knowledge!
In the past, mold damage insurance claims were covered under most home insurance when they resulted from a covered peril, such as a sudden plumbing leak, fire control, storm, or other cause covered under your policy.
Concerns have increased due to public and scientific knowledge about mold and its health-related severe hazards. The clean-up, removal, and remediation are costly and hazardous to the person completing them. In response to public concerns, insurance carriers remove such coverage from their policy forms regardless of whether the result is a covered peril. In many instances, the insurance companies offer limited coverage for mold/fungus for additional premiums and fees.
Sustaining mold damage to your property is very common in Florida, especially in South Florida. The weather in South Florida plays a role in mold creation on your property. Due to the warm, humid, and damp conditions in South Florida, the mold may be excessive on your property, leading to damages and losses and affecting your health. Mold thrives on moisture.
If you encounter mold on your property, contact Prime Public Adjusters today. We will make things right and help you receive the maximum compensation for your damages and losses with your struggle against the insurance company.
The presence of mold is familiar in almost every part of the world. Many different types of mold can reside in almost any location. Mold in small amounts poses fewer health risks and can be found in even the cleanest homes. When mold begins to grow or cover large areas of your home or is disrupted by wind or irritating the mold, the mold can spread and start to grow in other areas. Mold is nearly impossible to remove, although mold can be subsided and reduced and or removed in some cases.
Mold tends to derive from moisture, which can be associated with leaks from your property. Having mold on your property may not only damage it, but it can also damage your health. Some people are more sensitive to the effects of mold than others. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, having mold can heighten your symptoms and cause asthma attacks.
Mold can be found almost anywhere, in dry locations as well as in moist locations. It is in the wetter, humid areas where mold can grow efficiently, but mold located in dry areas only needs to receive moisture before they can evolve and send their spores. Cleaning mold when found should be done with many precautions not to spread the mold around your home. Cleaning mold in a house should only be done by yourself if the area is small and should never be done with bleach. Bleach only changes the mold colors, making you think the mold is gone.
What Can Mold Do to Your Property and to Your Health?
Whenever you find mold, maybe in an attic or such place, it may have a wet-like appearance or dryness. It is always best not to disrupt any mold you find in your home, but instead, contact a professional to go through this damage with you to ensure it gets handled.
The presence of mold is evident when you can see the actual mold, but you cannot always see mold infestation. Mold can grow within walls, air units, and many other locations around your home. You may notice a foul stench and decide to turn to a deodorizer to mask the awful smell. The problem with a foul odor and deodorization to mask the smell is the fix that doesn’t help. The odor becomes less obvious thanks to an air freshener or such other things, but the problem will not go away. The deodorizer can be used to make your home smell better, but the complete removal of the mold is required, and masking the mold is no answer.
Mold can also be attributed to throat irritations, skin irritations, eye irritations, excessive coughing, wheezing, and even nasal stuffiness. Some people do not experience any symptoms at all, partly because some people get affected by it, and others do not.
Coverage for Mold Damage
Home insurance will likely not cover mold or mildew damage unless it was caused by a “covered peril.” They also don’t pay for maintenance because they believe the homeowner could have prevented the damage. Unfortunately, some insurance companies are even getting so tired of mold that they go as far as not even telling you that they don’t cover it. It is essential always to check your policy.
If you do not have mold coverage on your insurance but need it, some policies can get you “buy-back” endorsements for mold claims. How buy-back endorsements work is that you pay a lot more in exchange for a certain amount of mold coverage. You’re essential, giving more money to your insurance company just to keep mold coverage.
Mold in your Bathroom
Mold can commonly grow in places like your bathtub, sink, shower, or even in your toilet and the floor. Mold thrives and lives in warm and wet environments; thus, this area is mold-prone. The shower and bathtub are damp most of the time, so this gives mold room to grow. Sometimes, they can be found around shampoo bottles, washcloths, shower curtains/heads, and faucets. The sink and toilet may have mold if these areas are not cleaned and dried often. Most importantly, pay attention to water leaks that may or may not be coming from the walls or floors because mold can grow in these environments quickly.
Mold in your Kitchen
They always say that the kitchen should be the cleanest place in the house because it is where you make meals. Unfortunately, mold can exist in the kitchen, too! Areas like the kitchen sink, pantry, microwave, refrigerator, wooden cutting boards, around the stove, and even your window are prominent for mold growth.
It is essential never to leave dirty dishes in the kitchen sink often. If it is left for too long, funguses start to form and collect different bacteria in wet sponges and garbage disposals that sit in the sink, leading to mold growth. Also, check for leaky pipes under the sink just to be on the safe side!
Mold in your Bedroom
Window and window sills, air conditioning, and heating vents are also places where mold can be found. We may not always know it, but it is always important to look for mold in these places as well. It is horrifying to say that mold can exist in the bedroom if the ventilation or humidity isn’t properly controlled.
Mold can sometimes be seen on your mattress due to how humid your house gets, but your mattress is cool and dry. Window and window sills collect condensation over time, which would not help prevent mold growth. Moreover, it is also possible for mold to grow in air ducts and heating vents.
Mold in your Living Room
As you’ve seen, mold grows everywhere and anywhere under the sun. The living room, in this instance, is no exception. Mold grows in couches and curtains, indoor plants, fireplaces, and chimneys, to say the least. If you scent a musty scent on your couch or curtains, mold or mold spores are likely present. In other cases, indoor plants should not be overwatered because this gives mold the chance to grow.
Mold in your Garage
Not everyone spends time in the garage, but it is important to note that the garage can also have mold in it, especially after flooding or even if you bring your car inside after a thunderstorm. Remember, mold grows in warm and humid environments, and the garage is the perfect place for that. Prominent areas like your storage spaces, garage doors, and windows will have mold because that’s where water may have been standing for an extended period.
How to identify mold?
Identifying a household mold can be easy to spot. It appears as a discoloration on the ceiling, wall, or floor ranging from different colors such as black, blue, orange, red, violet, white, or yellow. Since most discoloration isn’t molded, apply drops of bleach on the spot to see if it could be molded. If it changes colors or disappears completely, it could be mold.
How can mold spread through your home?
Mold can be found everywhere, all year round. It starts as spores and gradually become grows throughout the home. This is called the Stack Effect. The Stack Effect happens when warm air rises inside the home and leaves through the upper levels and attic. While this happens, air from the lower levels draws upwards from the basement and crawl space, creating a vacuum. This vacuum collects mold spores, humidity, dust mites, and odor, which will spread throughout your home’s main area.
Where to look for mold?
Mold exists everywhere. It existed even before you moved into your home. This means it can be found in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living area, garage, and other places such as your ceilings, walls, carpeting, fabric, upholstery, washing machines, and even dryers.
Does flood insurance cover mold?
According to FEMA, mold and mildew damages caused by flooding are covered but evaluated case by case. However, mold and mildew damages that have already existed before the flood are not covered. Policyholders are expected to take appropriate actions to diminish mold and mildew buildup after a flood.
At this point, we already know that mold grows everywhere. In some instances, they are harmless, but as they grow, it becomes harmful. So, the goal now is to figure out the 5 W’s of how a public adjuster can help you.
Why Choose Our Public Adjusters For Your Mold Damage Claim?
We know the scope and how to engage insurance companies. They will want to avoid liability for your claims and either offer you nothing for your damages or a minimal amount. We have expertise in the subject of mold damage. We have a proven record of cases involving mold damage. As your public adjusters, we will fight until the end to have you receive your entire mold-related expenses.